Moving Forward in 2010

Have you noticed all the stop smoking and weight loss products that have started to appear on TV?

And it's only a matter of time before we see the keep fit DVD's hitting our screens, and you know why that is don't you.

New Year Resolutions:

Yes, it's the time of year when we decide enough is enough and we vow to make changes. This can be for our health such as to stop smoking or lose weight or for our wealth and this is where so many companies try to take advantage of our 'weakness'.

Now let me tell you that you don't need to make a resolution to make things work, you just need to do one thing.

Take Action:

Look, I will be the first to admit I need to lose a bit of weight so I recently joined a gym and it's been going great and I feel much better in myself. However, I have not been for 3 weeks and at this time of year I don't intent to go until the New Year. Now let me tell you come January I will be going at least 3 times per week, possibly more, and I also intend to stay out of the biscuit cupboard as that is my real downfall.

That's not a resolution, that's taking action.

I also have a lot of plans in 2010 for my business and that starts on January the 8th when I move into my new office. I intend to help a lot more people move forward in 2010 but that's another newsletter for another day.

So how can you move forward in 2010?

My advice to you would be to make a plan and get a mentor. Really, it's that simple. Find someone you look up to and trust and find out if they have any form of coaching/mentoring program THEN FOLLOW THEIR ADVICE TO THE LETTER. Make yourself accountable to them, let them give you tasks to complete and deadlines to meet.

Look, if it were so easy to lose weight (that's what we're told) then why are there so many people overweight?

The same applies online, if it's so easy to make money online then why do most people struggle?

The real reason is just like losing weight making money online is not as easy as you think. However, make a plan and get someone to mentor you and you stand the most chance of success. Did you know most of the celebrities you see that lose weight then release a keep fit DVD hire a personal trainer to help them get fit. Just as they need someone to mentor them you need someone to mentor you.

Thanks To : Crest for care teeth Innotek Bark Collar Style Nike Shoes

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