Episode Summary of the Hit Comedy TV Show, The Office

Most likely a majority of people in the United States at this point have seen at least one episode or part of an episode of the popular NBC television show, The Office that is how popular the show has become in recent years. Some of the shows catchphrases have even filtered into the mainstream lingo, with lots of young people all over the country using boss Michael Scott, played by Steve Carell, famous phrase "that is what she said". The show has had episodes revolving around all kinds of topics, many of which ring true to people in the world of business for real. One such episode that may hit home to business employees; is the two part episode where the members of the office have to compete against other branches to lose weight, which of course includes standing on weighing scales certainly not a gram scale.

There are many other plotlines on the weight loss episode and one of them includes Jim, the office jokester who is constantly playing pranks on his rival Dwight, being upset that his girlfriend and company receptionist Pam is off in New York. In a previous episode, Pam had decided to go to New York City to go to art school, which was an interest that the character had held and not explored in previous seasons when she was with her old fiancé, Roy.

Most of the episode shows the employees working hard at losing weight so that they can get extra days off courtesy of corporate. However, somebody brings down the team's effort by over eating, something that happens at all the other branches as well. In an effort to make the contest more appealing, corporate decides to increase the days off being offered as part of the prize, which results in one of the characters on the show saying that maybe if they all stay fat for long enough they can get an entire month off.

Another funny subplot of the episode sees office weirdo Dwight trying to get the more husky members of the office to lose weight forcefully. Dwight mentions to Phyllis, a more rotund member of the staff, that there is a sale that he needs help with and offers to split commission with her. As it turns out, Dwight drives Phyllis to a remote location about five miles away from the office and pushes her out of the car and then drives away, thus forcing Phyllis to walk back and lose weight.

At the end of the second part of the episode something that viewers had been waiting for a while to see happens when Jim finally proposes to his girlfriend Pam. At the very end, after trying to turn up the heat in the office and sweat off the weight they need to win, the group weighs in and finds out they did not win the competition and were beaten only by a few pounds. The episode ends when the only black man in the office describes how he has had a great summer anyway and the final shot is of him doing a pose with one fist in the air on the scale like that at the 1968 Olympic Games.


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