JFK Movie Review

The assassination of President Kennedy, November 22, 1963, the most enduring, controversial and exciting who-dun-it mysteries of our time. We learned that one man, Lee Harvey Oswald shot the President. Case closed, let us with their lives. But massive, showed apparent inconsistencies between the witnesses and even obvious legal proof to the contrary, a broad conspiracy that has fueled much speculation and debate since that tragic day. Oliver Stone"JFK" clarifies a number of conspiracy theories and does so with such a compelling analysis and intelligence that you want to see more to come - the film is more than three hours, and Stone just scratching the surface of what has happened! No matter what theory they pursue, or even if you do not, Stone is an irrefutable case is based on common sense and available evidence indicates that Oswald was not alone, not the main perpetrators of the attack, but that does not evenfired a gun that day. "JFK" is a great film that will open your eyes to one of the most terrible moments of U.S. history.

The film begins with a prologue on the history of the Kennedy presidency and the forces at work in the background when it came to power. As reported by Martin Sheen, the prologue offers a back story that sets the idea that the Kennedy on a collision course with the establishment, a complex power-hungry military-industrial complex has been his desire to furtherAgenda and profits with the war policy. We then see the consequences of the attacks of people in this extraordinary event on the news cast to learn. The beauty of this episode is that it seems to capture the heart-stopping final moment when you realize what's happening, which is almost unbelievable. The story three years later and the New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison, after a chat with the senator on a fateful flight to Washington, decided to reopen the caseKennedy's assassination, and literally enters Wonderland where "white is black and black is white." The film provides sequence after sequence analysis and evidence is so convincing that one would never see the official version of history should be examined again. If anything, colon, 'Oswald theory made it impossible, for the first time made physically impossible for Oswald to fire work for six seconds, he had to do it, and the second point could never turn left andright to take a pause in the air and do other wonderful things two people for seven times. The latter is the "Magic Bullet Theory, the foundation of the case in the official story and if you start, that apart, everything falls apart, why this film is compelling to see these.

Kevin Costner is shown on earth in this movie, Jim Garrison, we can say that each time that cares passionately material, what he was working in his performance. Some have criticizedhis style, often wooden acting, and this may be appropriate in other films, but he is very good in "JFK." In him we can feel the anger of the public the idea that their government has taken power away from them they feel that day by the exchange with their leaders, who worked with the Foundation. Costner is supported by a great supporting cast of stars, including Tommy Lee Jones, Kevin Bacon, Joe Pesci, Sissy Spacek, Gary Oldman, and myriad others. Fish is very effective in allneurotic as David Ferrie, who gives the great line "f ** king shooters do not even know." But perhaps the most convincing is the character of Donald Sutherland "X", who spends twenty minutes in the film gives a survey of his work in the military Garrison and how the attack was probably carried from the standpoint of his knowledge of information preferred.

The technical aspects of this film is worth remembering also - for the time, this film is quite fast, very fastto provide inter-cutting between different film stocks, a documentary / investigation in history. On this alone the film as a cross cutting his earnings and real images of the scene is remarkable. In particular, the sequence in which Garrison passes through the Zapruder film (the only visual evidence of the crime) Structure frame to show how the real objectives bullets hit totally incompatible with the official version of history. Score by John Williams' worthmention, is at it again in this film cleverly highlight the moods of both tragedy and conspiracy.

maintain an excellent movie, is nailed to the chair and watch until the end.


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