Six characteristics of a-Movie Crazy

I have some friends who are crazy movie, I mean, a maniac of the cinema. Without doubt, Movies breath. I like watching this kind of behavior creature, how they think, how they act. And because I'm crazy about a movie, I also observe myself.

What is so interesting, there are similarities between the behavior of us. I would reveal my secret known. Yes, but it is not scientific and has the potential to make you smile, this observation is not really a joke. And 'theResult of my long observation period (from interview and meeting with them).

Debut film-crazy, there is always the Home Video membership card in his wallet, sometimes with a few bonus coupons. A crazy movie rental is never satisfied only in a recorded video. Film that he used to hunt something special. Movies that are bizarre to the common taste and not really rock, if he / she thinks, yummy enough for his hungry soul,is devoured quickly become.

second feature, nor its portfolio, one is free cinema ticket. Or if not, there are pamphlets or little note on the screening program Centro Cultural hidden in French films in French, Japanese movie Japanese console, Goethe in German films, and so on.

From his wallet, we move a bit 'to find the third characteristic. Have you noticed-s' crazy phone film is always fullHome Video phone numbers, including the rental DVD, in which he / she has not registered yet. People like this usually friendly to hire employees. Because sometimes he / she phoned her fumbling with many film titles he / she tried: "Please verify that the catalog is available Sahara. Iranian Films! None? No account yet? Ok, how about a thriller very new to . .. from Finland, I'm not sure of English title, but I bet you know, it happened. And punch orNosferatu, old materials from German expressionism, you have the DVD? Me too masterpieces by Tim Burton, please. "Oh, the poor people.

fourth feature when something strange, he / she spontaneously decided to repeat it. Or if he / she really missed an interesting part of it, he believes her / him, "No problem, I can see again if released its DVD version." Naturally, within seconds, he made realize that he / she thoughtstupid.

Film-crazy is their way of being calm on / her lover that his fifth feature. For example, if the girl / boy said: "It's not funny! Honey is rich in the blood that flows from your wound ?, How could you continue to laugh, "would react / her," Relax, this is just a special effect. "Although there are no specific actions, the blood was real.

feature on my sixth or the last note, she dreams of completionVoiceover. If he / she Greatest Wall saw in a dream, a bass voice suddenly, "China again. Damn it seems. It 's like an hour if I was in Korea ...." Then his eyes slowly panning lens and a sound was barely audible. No one button play while he / she was sleeping, his subconscious is that these wishes. "

Just as crazy, is not? Yes, that's why I am with "movie-crazy" is, instead of "cinephiles." But if onesome or all of the six above-mentioned symptoms, do not bother to go to a psychiatrist. Just come and be with people whose fate. Welcome to the club!


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