Crimson Rivers - DVD Movie Review

Crimson Rivers, a 2002 French film with English subtitles, is directed by Mathieu Kassovitz and stars Jean Reno and Vincent Kassala. It is a tense thriller with a surprising final physiological finally gasping to see the movie 'the s.

Crimson Rivers Se7en "was announced as" meets "The Silence of the Lambs" and, in the first ten minutes of the film will understand why graphically.

Reno, the film is like a Frenchman ClintEast, plays Pierre Niemans superintendent, a detective of the debt, its categories crime under the legendary French police. It 's a small university town in the French Alps imaginary Guernon sent to investigate the bizarre murder and mutilation of a senior student at the university. University, where for hundreds of years, is self-sufficient, has its own power source.

The victim, who was tied up in a fetal position, afterThe local coroner had removed the eyes and cutting off the hands of five hours before his death, he spent the last hours of his life of severe pain in meaning. Person's body was found on a ledge of the mountain Fanny Ferreira (Nadia Fares), is a glaciolist / climbers, and also a student at the university. Niemans enlists his help in the search for clues that may lead to the killer.

Almost immediately, she inadvertently leads him to a second mutilated body in a cave in the mountainsGlacier, which is kind of disturbing as it is now connected to two grisly murders and is now the prime suspect.

Meanwhile, 60 miles away, in the city is Sarzac Kerkerian Inspector Max (Vincent Cassel) is a former car thief, smoking pot in a police car with his two subordinates, the desecration of the tomb to examine girl-to-ten years, the first 18 years after it was taken over by a tractor trailer died is done with 80 mph. When his mutilated bodywas found by police, the mother was on the side of the road holding the only recognizable part of his left little finger sits. Immediately after the school was visited and raped the girl all the records and pictures of the girls were stolen.

Kerkerian is the mother of the girl, now living a nun in a convent. It has the "vote of Shadows", which basically means after the death of her daughter, she is in a locked room without light taken. The mother superior of the monastery said Kerkerian,"You can talk to her, but you can not see. I have not seen her for 15 years."

The mother sat in the shade, Kerkerian says that her daughter was killed by "demons", and warns him. "Save your soul while you still can"

Kerkerian Guernon investigation leads him to the city, where his case is now with the combination Niemans'. After a brief scuffle between the two cops, because no one knew the other was the law, reluctantly join forces. Niemans Kerkerian say that he has alwaysWorking together Kerkerian replied: "That makes us two."

Two more grisly murders occur, and no one, of course, the expert detective tells his new partner, "It 's a treasure hunt. Every body leads to the next."

The subplot that is revealed when the last reference to the murders, is that for the last 100 years, the university staff and students to marry, and sometimes inbred, which completely ruined the University of the gene pool. People are not that seembe, and the city of the sons of men to think the thought of genes, because their parents were not related by blood are taken from parents and staff of the university.

What follows next is a crazy car chases and trucks and Kerkerian be managed by the alleged killers, rage after ten minutes to the city Guernon. The film ends with an e-avalanche over the top and if I say the more I spoil the end for you.

The reviews of this film wereoverwhelmingly positive. was the only critics complain that the plot was so complicated, the end seems absurd. But not for me. I liked it. praised the interaction between the two policemen. "Reno and Cassel are magnetic, as usual in the role of Central Asia. The cast and the chemistry of cheese never falls into the classic buddy film cliches. And the film is overwhelming sense of cruelty is tempered by intelligence to fashion and a lot of mumbo -jumbo that really never does. This iseveryone is so scary, funny and visually stunning that we are simply happy for the race. A superior, original thriller. "

View London The reviewer felt the same. "It must be said, is that Reno and Cassel are a great team, even if the film contrives to keep them apart for nearly hours. Both stars are very large, in France, and it is not difficult to understand why, because both are good here."

This film is not for the squeamish, but if a little 'blood, gutsand gore, six in 106 minutes of pure suspense. The end is a mystery, but not so incredible that ruins the film. The following was released two years later, but did not Kassala.

In a series of 1-5 I give four stars The Crimson Rivers fixed. The only reason is that you will have the full five subplot that is so extraordinary that it is difficult, so something could actually happen to believe in the 21st Century.

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