ET has a house? - Probability of the existence of life elsewhere in the universe - Dr. Hugh Ross

Dr. Hugh Ross explores the question: "It 'a house of ET, the probability of life elsewhere in the universe are?". Dr. Ross graduated from Cal Tech, and is a prominent figure in the movement of "Intelligent Design" and author of several books, including "Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men. UFOs and aliens reasonable opinion" The conclusions presented here shock and delight! Boldly going where no scientists have gone before us ... The debate! The conclusions! L 'Wonder! The scientists, theologians and scientists met at the University of Wisconsin throughout the day, mind blowing trapped discussion on the issues of "God, Man and ET" in a spectacular cinematic style, with stunning imagery, computer animation and symphonic packed column sound, this program is the result of this historic event and involving the general discussion. Hosted by former CNN, Cheryll Jones. God, Man & ET: the question of other worlds of science, theology andMythology - now available on DVD in a new edition 6-DVD Special - Go to - Cat # K552.

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