Review of the movie - Get Him to the greek - 2010

Film of the Day: "Get Him to the greek" setting Jonah Hill and Russell Brand, emotional roller coaster of life and times of Rock and Rock Legends fast and furious life of trials and tribulations.

Length: 1:53:53

Posted: 09-22 - 2010

Rating: 7.05 (good representation of the levels of depth of a rock and roll, very funny, very rude and verbally aggressive at points, butgood taste).

Review: My Life films all seem so often creates a subtle change unexpectedly, as the idea was initially some fun feel good movie, but will keep you a different taste of pleasure, really like our lives are in constant confrontation with a rock and Roll Guru. This is a film of a rookie record is provided free to go to London Rock and Roll Idol and make his presentation one-year-old back 10 in LosAngeles Greek Theatre, but the rock and roll played by Russell Brand was a nice refreshing character of free-form fun and make the experience of friendship and superficial behavior and gives the public the real trials and tribulations of a rock and roll, and what is expected of them by our society.

Jonah Hill plays the rookie record company representative who will be gradually brought into the circle of something, go to a rock and roll legends very personal life behind the doors andCheap drinking late to share in the destruction of hotel rooms, family ties broken in the legends of rock and rock. The real story was the way we communicate very refreshing in a fun and friendly spirit of the film without pulling out the best and the worst of both extremes, the risks of their lives and the things that has forced people to make life "to" Stars in progress. The balance was made to control gracefully and ensure that the "rock star" madness eversure at the end of the concert. The show lost love and relationships, it was all right in a sense of friendship and the lessons of life in all some great melodies and hit a rich soundtrack packed just jamming, I also had some sessions with Triple Tier laugh laughter even if all my sense of humor is usually completely controlled the unexpected twists and turns the film shows the talent of the actors and employees of the government. Overall, good movie for your dollar .... a thumbs up in myMind.

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