Top 5 Action Movies ever shown

action movies are box-office grosser in Hollywood, it seems easy to come up with a list of the best of them. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Every stupid action movie knows that the creation of a compilation of the best action movies have always taken to the screen is an epic task. This is simply because each of these great action movies of the best in their own right. In addition, any person or to your own taste when it comes to choosing the best actionMovies out there. No matter how many times you watch a favorite movie, there is always something new to look at him as if for the first time. The following list is a personal collection of the author, and as such should never be an aesthetic standard when it comes to choice of action movies.

1. Saving Private Ryan - Eye View The soldier from the Second World War, taken during the Normandy D-Day is simply devastating. This film is theFather of all the movies of World War II and is a good measure of cinema into account. There are many action films with the same subject, but Saving Private Ryan just replaced all. The most impressive part was the attack on Omaha Beach. Excellent use of the techniques of film making such as colors, a slight acceleration of the images, hand-held camera, and many others, have all contributed to the uniqueness of the film. Amazing movie.

2. Terminator 2: JudgementDay - 1991 Published in this sequel to the original Terminator is considered the best in the series after the release of Terminator 3 Arnold Schwarzenegger has played as an android of the future sent to a boy, the future of the revolutionary movement against the machine, control take over the world will be protected. This is by far the best action films of Schwarzenegger.

Gladiator 3 -. They have a sense of history and historicalGladiator settings have not the thrill and adventure that will provide you looking for. Russell Crowe plays perfectly the qualities of Hardy Roman general Maximus Decimus Meridius in the face of adversity and hardship. This film also offers an excellent display of the exact history of the gladiators in the Roman Empire, once a bloodthirsty.

. Die Hard 4 - In search of the first act? Live Free or Die, was published in 1988, is the best startThe movie marathon. Bruce Willis stars as a fanatic NYPD Cop, in the form is the ideal role to take. His character was able to neutralize a terrorist group that took over a large skyscraper in New York. She never tires, this is enough.

Troy 5 -. If you want a good deal of ancient war, Troy, released in 2004 and starring Brad Pitt, is the best choice. This film tells the story of the Trojan War, in the eyes of Achilles, themightiest warrior greek Trojans feared that for many years.

Although this list does not include is the latest blockbuster movies and new release films in recent times, these films still view the "classic" in their own right. They have proved to be standing in the middle of hundreds if not thousands, of many good action movies that Hollywood has produced for many decades.

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