Alice in Wonderland 2010 DVD - A quick and honest assessment

As for the DVD of children, child trafficking is the program great films in years, Alice returns to Wonderland after 19 to convince themselves that their first visit at the age of 6 years, it was just a dream. There was widespread criticism of this film, some say it is terrible and nothing like the first (in the sense that she should not keep), and some say that is an excellent complement to the most popular publications of Lewis Carroll.

We believe that this film is a goodMixture of two popular publications, "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass". We enjoyed the majority of the film, although adults can be a bit 'a setback when compared with the publication. Having said that, with regard to the DVD of children, Alice in Wonderland 2010 is certainly see, and we think he did one of the best films of Tim Burton in general.

A word of warning though, this film is much darkerothers who may have experienced - even the Disney version. Probably not a great movie for kids. Some of the fight scenes are perhaps not ideal for everyone - even if the certification indicates that PG.

Children aged seven or eight, should not consider the problems of this film with his father and mother, though. Not scary - it's just a bit 'on the dark side. Mr. Depp is brilliant to think with this role, and we must admit that we have (aFirst impressions) that would play a similar character like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but in reality he plays a character much more complete, sometimes very funny. As adults, we have a good laugh out loud several times in the film, what day is unusual for the DVD of children on it.

Mia Wasikowska who plays Alice, is a great young actress and a role very well. Helena Bonham Carter as the evil Queen of Hearts occupationOriginal Alice in Wonderland fairytale. However, we heard their overall performance was more of Queenie from Blackadder. For those of you who are familiar with this sign, you can set the tone of his voice and gestures a bit 'annoying, but for us it was great fun - although to be honest, a blatant rip-off.

The CGI characters are good, especially the Cheshire Cat (Stephen Fry) and Absalom (Alan Rickman). But in terms of brightness, the landscape in which Alice spends much of his time is not to compete, for example, by Walt Disney. The Jabberwocky is a great dragon-like beast, finally shows up at the end of the film and in terms of computer effects, it is good - it is not surprising.

We have heard much excitement and adventure was much like a Harry Potter film, rather than the traditional story of Alice in Wonderland Disney output. However, like most things, children's playgroundDVD> transform, so we expected a difference of the original film, popular, Alice in Wonderland for Disney.

Finally, I would recommend this for children aged between seven and we recommend that the certificate of PG is maintained. This is a great film, but if you've seen the original movie for Disney, or read the publications of Lewis Carroll, then do not get your hopes up! Children's DVDs are changed so we believe that this is a good reflectionwhat children expect from a movie of those days.

Reef Sandals

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