Salt (2010) Action Movies

Salt film opened with Evelyn Salt CIA agent asks a Russian defector, Orlov, who tells her, "Day X", an operation organized by a powerful Russian master spy after the Cold War, leading to the destruction of the United States, he argues that were designed for this purpose an elite group of Russian-born British agent in 1970, with a particularly strict conditions, which makes their loyalty "indestructible" [sic]. Orlov said that the funeral ofEnd of the Vice-President in New York City, the visit of Russian President Russian spy Evelyn Salt will be killed. Salt, shaken by the prosecutor, she tried to husband Mike, a German arachnologists, fearing for his safety. Meanwhile, escapes Orlov, after which it rises to escape what to think the CIA is a spy. She flees to her apartment and find her missing husband. With the CIA looking, takes the essence of salt, and a poisonous spider from his apartment and takes her. Escape
After only one way to escape persecution, taking a bus to Salt New York City. The next morning, she sneaks into the Church of heavily guarded S. Bartholomew, home to the funeral of vice-president and shoot the Russian president. Then she met Peabody, where he surrendered, but the cut NYPD after a wild chase.
A series of flashbacks shows Salt growing in the Soviet Union, where he taught Orlov and many other children to obey him and ingratiate themselves with theU.S. government. Then when it came to D-Day, he ordered them to strike from different locations in the United States. Salt meets Orlov, who congratulated the killing of the Russian president, but he calls the decision was not authorized to marry a foreigner is a distraction from their mission. He leads them to a barge, where test their loyalty, the other agents to kill Mike in front of her. Salt appears to be affected, so test Orlov. He saysPart II of the Day, which would mean the seizure of U.S. stockpiles of nuclear weapons. The infuriated Salt, Orlov were made mainly in an attempt to save her husband, kills Orlov and all others on the boat for revenge because of Mike, the most faithful Russian agent Salt opposes the system that the brainwashing. It is noted that thanks to Mike, two years ago, rises from a North Korean prison, where he was tortured, he was saved when both the CIA and the KGBleave it as unnecessary. Then you go to the rendez-vous to bet on a NATO-Orlov Mole met.
NATO-mole and a salt dressed to go to the White House. Once inside, his counterpart of NATO begins suddenly shoot and Secret Service agents detonated a bomb. Because of this provocation calculated, the Secret Service, along with Winter, president of the lower parts of the bunker at the White House. Meanwhile, the President, is to believe that Russia is preparing a nuclear attack against the United States,activates the start code of the nuclear football. Sale infiltrated the bunker and the bodyguards incapacitated. Winter brings a gun and kills everyone except the president. Once the President refuses to cooperate with the nuclear launch sequence, knocking him out of winter and starts the computer with the president of biometrics.
Winter said the astonished Sale, which is part of the Plan Orlov long. Winter then uses the nuclear football to start the sequence ofLaunch nuclear missiles to Tehran and Mecca to transform the Islamic world against the United States. Salt asks winter, but before it opens the door to a news program randomly in time shows that the Russian president is not to be dead, but it was only in a state of near-death place by spider venom. Winter knows that salt is not on his side, but she manages to break in and after an intense battle, he manages, threw him down. Shortly after she manages to break the nuclear launch missilewinter, officials arrest and rupture. Winter is free, but then uses his theater chain to strangle him.
The salt is placed on a helicopter with Peabody, and she tells him everything. A skeptical Peabody finally takes her to tell the truth when he said a text message that the fingerprints of salt were found on board the ship, confirmed their betrayal to receive Orlov. Because there are other moles Peabody allowed to escape, so they can find and kill. He jumps in Salt uncuffsPotomac River, is free again.

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