The Matrix Movie Review

Already in 1999 the audience was anxiously awaited the return of wild with the highly anticipated Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. But before training epics of George Lucas' surprise package in the film as a science fiction movie hit the screens a month or so, before "The Matrix", and probably invented Episode I, at least in terms of narrative. Cleverly marketed with the slogan: "What is the Matrix? You need it only for themselves ...", see this movie became asolid hit before becoming a huge success on DVD. What was the film that explores the public? There are many answers, but for the most part, is only exciting to watch has a lot of sci-fi genre conventions of style, and to run a new kind of shot Called "Bullet-Time" where change speed and angle shots introduce a very unusual to add much to the unique world of the Matrix.

"The Matrix" is essentially a comic with a history of unionconcept of high-tech. The main character is Neo (Keanu Reeves), bound to uncover the mystery of "The Matrix". He knows the secrets that will help him in his life, and why not all is well with the world. Finally, you look at terrorist Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne), who shows him what the Matrix really is: a power plant mass, where human society has in batteries, fuel and energy changes for the care overload the machine, with the matrix to a computerProgram, to occupy the minds of men who do not question their existence. Neo learns that his special gifts that make him superhuman and, together with Morpheus and his crew, who undertook a journey to battle the machines from the matrix.

The same story is an amalgam of various stories that already exist. Neo is the protagonist of the classic comic book. The idea of machines ruling us or destroy our lives were in 'Terminator presents "films(This is perhaps a downside - when the big reveal will be around the mark of 45 minutes, you will feel, "Oh, come on, this was all done in the Terminator!"). The idea of virtual reality has been presented before, but not as successfully as here. But this film really shines in harmony, that all a mystery to be explored for the first forty minutes, problems? "What is life" and "what is real." For the public, as is an extravagant idea that these are, as we are wondering ifthere is something more to your life the eye. The result is that this film actually gets a bit '. Not bad for a sci-fi action movie.

After the cerebral stuff, the movie special effects / entertainment turns into action some of the most exciting images that you probably see the movie and action sequences that are observed not only exciting, but in fact in the history of the melt in a manner which has sense, the story, rather than an orgy of strangersThe action sequences, which are to have so many African films. It 'just too cool with the pump action scenes along a punk-rock soundtrack.

The cast is well put together clusters. Keanu Reeves leads the pack as Neo and does well in a sense of disbelief for most of the procedure. Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus is the perfect rebel leader, who is a bit 'as Yoda in tone and dialogue. And Trinity is a cool chick who not only kicked ass, but is smart enough toTo influence what is happening. And of course there's bad boy Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith. One can say that he, with a lot of fun with the character and is a perfect foil for more power understatement Reeves'.

The Wachowskis wanted to make a real-life Japanese manga and animation, have brilliantly with "The Matrix failed. It 's almost impossible, the sequences that led to the screen to describe, but suffice to say that a new visual language for action films thatmany others have copied since. The subway sequence in which Neo, the seemingly indestructible Agent Smith is the first time, or when Neo and Trinity to shoot their way to the security check in a fortified building, or when Morpheus and Neo in training in an array are not simulated simply spectacular to watch, but have so much more dramatic interest in history, it is difficult not be swept away in all.

This is a great film that will not disappoint.


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