Psycho Movie Review

"Psycho" may rightly Grand-daddy of modern horror films are known, yet manages all who came after beating. It is hard to call a perfect film, and save a scene toward the end, this film is as close to perfect. It 's incredibly exciting, shocking, and intellectual challenge convention killing by the administration, the main character is a third of the way to the movies. This may be the best Hitchcock film, if only for its abilitygo between the simplicity of the complex intellectual history and details on the other. It 'a film that leaves Gore, but there is a proposal from him what the movie much more disturbing and upsetting. This is a film that will move you and leave you waiting for what comes after.

The plot of "Psycho" may cheat a bit 'when you get to see, we are to Marion Crane, a woman who runs off with $ 40,000 on his head the money to act in one of the moments that you drive off looking Sporn introducedto start a new life across the country apparently. Along the way is consumed by guilt and fear that always will be caught out. A really scary scene comes when a cop pulls up and is being imposed on their car and wants to know why they decided on the side of the road to stop sleeping in their car. At this point, it is believed that the murderess bad cop is about to fall, especially after its beginning, as they continued their journey. To shake the police,finally stops at the Bates Motel, and are then introduced to Norman Bates, the motel operators apparently timid that their checks at night. You're talking about, and it turns out, Bates lives alone with his demented old mother, who instructed his constant care. Later that night, in scenes from famous films, Marion is stabbed to death as they belonged to one in a terrifying scene in which the only clue to the murderess, the shape of an older woman seems to have a shower. If Batesdiscovered his body, he recoils in horror and proceeds to cover all evidence of the crime, believes that his has done has been the mother in a fit of jealousy. What is truly amazing, from a standpoint of history tell us is this state of affairs is that we have invested so much time as one of Marion in public that comes as a shock when killed, and suddenly we have a new protagonists of Norman Bates, and begin to follow his journey. There are enough twists and turns to keepOn the edge of your seat and an ending that does not really come until you see him. It 'clear that Hitchcock would have read about Freud and psychology to explain the motivation of the murderess, and bearing in mind that this film was first release in 1960, much of what this film would be quite new and shocking to have people watching him.

Probably the best scene from the death of private detective. For all shocks in this film, whichThe tension is built so well that at the end when the storm strikes, it feels almost like its entry from the left window and you are literally jumping out of the home, and of course chilled. There are so many horror film since Psycho, that the killings are presented, but I guess it really is not much we can close by mail, as shown in this film, especially horror films later Because Gore Held on power are invoked, and "Psycho" also has the added valueTake a spiritual motivation, what is happening. It also has a universal appeal, where most of the horror film genre a limited appeal.

The only downside to this movie, and perhaps an example of what was then needed is a scene at the end when a psychologist explains exactly why everything is as it was happening. Perhaps look back on today is much easier to see what was going on, someone to explain to you. Not quitenecessary, but again the time these were several new to the general public and maybe Hitchcock was needed there to help the audience with this story can really disturbing.

Maybe that time is the chilling final scene of the movie where we see Norman Bates sits solemnly in her chair, but we hear the voice of his mother badly. Furthermore, almost 50 years later, this scene is to send a shiver down my spine as you are, how deeply troubled Bates made. It 's all very simple,Peace and a great game is of Anthony Perkins, in particular the last shot where she looks and smiles.

Probably the best horror film you'll see. And 'old fashioned, but still incredibly efficient cooling.

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