District 9 Movie 2009 - Review

The District 9 of the 2009 film, sci-fi quality to a whole new package. It tells a sad story, people just show their worst side, as we have demonstrated our ability to cruelty in our history - but this time we'll take in a very ugly and sad most populous, which is not of this world.

A giant spaceship appeared in Johannesburg, South Africa 20 years ago. Finally, it was open to people and find their way alone in a large number of foreignersall of which are in poor condition. It seems as if they were sick. In one experiment, aliens must leave the ship and live in a military camp near Johannesburg, are controlled to help. The foreign population is 1.8 million "shrimp" are, as they are called because of their similarity with shrimp normal expression, but the management of a field of this magnitude is revealed early on as an insurmountable task. A warlord is a Nigerian black market, where it earns from the sale of dog food, the aliens inChange anything that can get your hands.

The increase in crime with the fact that the aliens can never be integrated into our combined company brings the situation to a boiling point and the human population of Johannesburg, they require that the field be moved farther away. This is when the private organization called MNU be the largest forced migration even faster. However, the MNU hidden motives - their only concern is to use foreigners to get the technology andsuch as weapons. They are ruthless and cruel, but that's all about the man who for the movement of foreigners, Wikus van der Merwe will be held.

Over time he learns of the intentions of the employer and when you come into contact with a mysterious liquid, it becomes very clear that no, the lives of immigrants or people, holy is the MNU is. What the MNU has recognized that only aliens to operate their weapons of a sort of DNA evidence - possibly a "fail-safe. Wikus E DNA 'suddenly starts to change, after touching the liquid.

Nowhere to Run After Wikus flees deep into the slums of District 9 and is hiding in a hut. He is now forced to real contact with some foreigners and he is doing. Slowly build confidence and growing sympathy for these poor people (because they are human after all) and towards the end he decided to help them save and corporations.

District 9 is shot very different from what you normally see, I believe thathave only seen it done in Clover Field. Most of the time the camera follows the story as much as a cameraman of the press after the "story" to see. The film also touches on some of the key issues of ethical - to throw around words like "human" and "humanity" appear suddenly on race can not be reserved for humans. Racism and ignorance are seen in a new look at this film and were, in fact, a documentary film I do not think I'd be very surprised.

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