Narnia Voyage of the Dawn Treader Movie Resources

The latest in the Chronicles of Narnia series of films released in late 2010. Based on the book The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the third Narnia series by CS Lewis wrote in his will, this film promises the best in the series also be the case. If you or your children want to enjoy once again the experience of the film over and over again, before it hits DVD means you try this.

The first step (pardon the pun!) Would be the book itself. There are a numbertravel expenses of the Dawn, from simple editions books, collectibles, limited edition. With the release of the film there is a new paperback version with a picture of the ship Alba on the cover. Also noteworthy is the re-release of Inside the Voyage of the Dawn, a commentary on the book by Devin Brown, who read a great book most of the original source and the film should go.

For other ways not to get absorbed in the story,You can try the Voyage of the Dawn game audio audio performance of Focus on the Family. This game is true for almost four hours and offers various actors in the realization of one of the characters in the book and an original soundtrack and sound effects, so you really feel, hear the story in mind. It 'great to hear the children alone or with headphones for best effect and is available on CD or download.

You are in the musicSoundtrack to the film's soundtrack is amazing the feeling of the film actually takes home. Listening to the score in the order presented in the film you can imagine every scene and hear his experiences and unique emotions.

So until the DVD / Blu Ray (or even after) the resources to help you and your children explore the story of CS Lewis' The Voyage of the Dawn story over and over again.

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