DVD Review - The Girl who Played with the dragon

Ladies and gentlemen, I have a movie for you. It's called "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo."

As Ali said, I am a poet and not know it.

"The Girl with the Dragon" is a film made Swedish with English subtitles, but do not think for a moment that the film "Made in Sweden" is the hallmark of an inferior being. This will rivets from the beginning, and not once during the 2 hours and 35 minutes of the film that I pulled up and runningtoo long. Since its 2009 published in Sweden and America in 2010, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is already the highest grossing film of all time Swedish.

"The Girl who Played with the dragon," which was directed by Niels Arden Oplev is brilliant, the first part of a trilogy of novels by Stieg Larsson's novel is based on "Men Who Hate Women." This situation is terribly obvious, as in this film, women are brutally killed, and a horrible sceneraped. Most of the killings, and there was a sting they encompass 55 years are in it, after that, and the film's only 'a surprise ending that fully exploits the context of the atrocities.

The film begins with proof of Mikael Blomkvist (Michael Nyqvist), a journalist who works for the powerhouse magazine Millennium. Blomkvist is mistaken for defamation against a Swedish industrialist convicted of corruption, and he and the magazine was ordered to pay damagesBlomkvist with 6-9 months while serving in prison. Waiting to be served on his sentence, Blomkvist is Henrik Vang approached the eighty-something member of the group of wealthy Vanger for the murder of his niece Harriet about forty years to find out first if she was only 16 years. What makes things more clearly, that his body was never found, and we are with the impression on the back of our minds that we could not really dead after all left.

After he began his investigation,Blomkvist acknowledges that he has selected, photographed and played his computer from punk rocker (complete with nose rings twice) Lisbeth Salander, the Swedish Spanish actress Naomi Raspeth crushed in one of the most memorable female performances of the last 25 years. Lisbeth is an IT expert who has a difficult past and that may also have set fire to his father to stop his sexual advances.

As the movie progresses, she is beaten by a group of punk, a lesbian scenewith her lover and is forced to perform oral sex on her probation evil guardian. Then click on your next visit with him, he brutally raped her, stand in a scene that I did the hair at the end. But that good triumphs over evil (well, almost), she takes it when his Lisbeth in a scene so beautiful and brutal optically satisfactory, it was an overwhelming applause was in order and willingly given.

As the story goes, Blomkvist Lisbeth send anonymous tips to help him find the truth aboutVander disappearance of the nephew, and soon they are both working together, sleep together (there is a scene of great sex), and the fight against the forces of evil together. He is beaten, shot grazed in the cheek, and finally hung disc in his neck by a crew of Ultimate villain of the film. Lisbeth ran to his aid, a course of motion, and saves the day. After I Blomkvist the noose around his neck, she chases the bad guy in his car until it stops. ThenWatch the prayer for help (as she smiles) and flipped his car goes up in flames. Oops, and Ka-Boom!

The film does not end here, and we treated live for another half hour, as the murders of women, from the days of Hitler are revealed and explained a dozen.

Even the American version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is being prepared, but I can not imagine another actress in the role of Elizabeth. But he said he has already withdrawn Raptora tribute to American cinema.

"I lived in the body and mind to Lisbeth for 18 months," Repaci said in a recent interview. "I want them out of my life, so I can go on with my life."

"The Girl who Played with the dragon" was widely praised as Repaci special praise.

Jason Zingale, film critic for the website Bullz-eye.com, said: "There should be no surprise that franchise has become the face of Naomi Repaci, because it is nothing short ofrole in by magnificent buzz-worthy. The beautiful Swedish actress is almost unrecognizable as the tortured hacker who looks like Larsson writes' as if they had just completed a one-week orgy with a bunch of hard rock. "The much talked about rape scene Lisbeth (and the events that follow it) pretty sure of every young actress in Hollywood who are in the American role in the remake of David Fincher."

Too bad that Angelina Jolie is driving the 40th if theywere 10-15 years younger, she would be perfect for the part. But then again .......... with the current make-up

"The Girl with the Dragon" is a fabulous film, based on a 1-5 star, give me a total of five stars. This film is so excellent, I can not help but think I'm disappointed the American version, soon-to-be.

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