2012 - DVD Movie Review

Just as you say the disaster film. Well, boy, I have a movie for your mind is the mother of all disasters.

This is not to say that 2012 is a bad movie. It is actually a decent movie fun. Lunga on special effects, but unfortunately too long to hokieness (If this is a word). And for a long time to 2 hours and 38 minutes, which was about an hour too long, give or take a disaster or two. 2012 is just one disaster after another, until you're gone> Film 's at the end of the breath and hoping that there is actually something left to breathe the air in our world.

2012, directed by Roland Emmerich, the line was it was like a pinball, it's trivial and contrived. A B "movie extravaganza", disguised as a 'movie'. This is a fun way in melodrama. Predictable, but a little 'more pleasant if you do not mind the dialogue stilted and less credible subplots. It would be "film has been produced as Bchildren with known actors, the film could light this place has become a kind of A.

unfortunately the least bit short 'voltage 2012, what happens next. I leaned in again and really said what was happening in the film come in the next minute the good to the point where I knew the lady in the big, bad Russian billionaire he would shoot him, the middle finger while the ark suggested survival (yes There are actually three chests of survival), while it was strandedoutside.

The film begins in 2009, as a scientist, Dr. Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor), his travels in India, scientists discover by his colleagues that the Earth's core temperature rises rapidly, it runs back in America, and in a fund-raising appeals to White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser played brilliantly by the always reliable Oliver Platt, and give him documents, which basically says that the world as we know it is going to end, probably in 2012, it is when someancient Mayan calendar says that it will end, December 21, 2012, to be exact. Anahauser informed the U.S. president, Thomas Wilson (Danny Clover, the film is all with a look of shock and disbelief on his face. Morgan Freeman was much better) the terrible circumstances. By 2010, the United States and the leaders of 46 countries to begin a massive secret project "Building more" boat to ensure the survival of the human race.

They decided that only400,000 people in a position on this hierarchy, namely the Ming Cho, Tibet built to fit in the Himalayas. To finance this hierarchy without tilting the ordinary citizens of the world, have decided to sell these seats for € 1000000000 per seat. So I guess that will survive the impending catastrophe. It is people like you and me involved, of course, but only the leaders of the world, its staff, scientists from the project, and thousands of bags billionaire-to-wind for tens ofCountries.

Enter Curtis Jackson (John Cusack) in 2012, a science fiction writer who sells a book of which only 500 copies of which were extraordinary, Dr. Helmsley, the book carries with it like a pet rock wrote .. Talk about the non-credibility. Curtis is so successful as a writer, he now drives a limousine for a Russian billionaire Russian (Zlatko Buric), without the knowledge of Curtis, more than one seat on the ark for himself, his two sons purchased annoying brat, his pilot(Johann Urb) and his girlfriend Tamara (Beatrice Rosen), who secretly beat his pilots. For animal lovers, Tamara constantly clutching a little dog in her arms, was "oh please save the dog from destruction" in the scene predictable. (Insert cheer here)

Curtis is divorced and his ex-wife Kate (Amada Peet), now lives with her boyfriend Gordon (Thomas McCarthy), which is a plastic surgeon (surprisingly, Tamara's breasts) and an amateur pilot who comes inat hand very soon. Curtis also has two children with Kate and Gordon, Noah, a bit 'of brat, and Lily, who still wets her pants at night and live, has a fixation for wearing hats, all kinds of hats.

Curtis is, of course, hatred for his children camping in Yellowstone Park, where they meet Charlie Frost (Woody Harrelson), flipped a hippie, not a daily radio broadcast that the end of the world have so provides. Curtis says a Mesoamerican Long Count calendar,says we are all finished at 21 December 2012. At first Curtis Charlie thinks a bit 'of a bird, but his opinion changed after Charlie showed him the plans for the ark, and the images of government officials from around the world, murdered because he had found the end of the world and were Arche, and wanted the rest of us peons alert.

Curtis rushed home with the kids and trying to say, Kate Gordon and meet the impending disaster. Before you can say as Curtishe is crazy, the house starts to crumble, and the whole car fell Curtis. Thus began a mad pursuit, where auto Curtis' from the city of Pasadena is crumbling behind them hunting. They rush to a small private plane, had just hired engineers and Curtis Gorden very shaky start. Then Bob and weave safely fall from buildings and bridges. But not for long.

This is the beginning of a disaster after another. Too numerous to dyscalculia. Cities such as dust fall and tidal waves destroy national monuments. The best part is when a tsunami destroyed Washington DC, and the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy, carried on the waves, personally takes care of the White House. (Too bad that was not occupied by current residents.)

Obviously 2012 is not Academy Award material. But you on a wild ride that is very pleasant to claim it, if not too much that the plot is full of so many holes does not matter, does not hold water as a top-flight> Movies.

I give 2012 two and a half stars out of five stars. Just because the special effects, the dog can be observed.

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