Michael Douglas "Falling Down" - A Movie Review

"Falling Down" is a funny comment, violent, and intelligent satire on modern society. The film manages a lot of ground, with 'character' Michael Douglas D-Fens "the management of us on a tour of some of the very scary examples of what can go wrong with Western culture (particularly American culture) to cover. It 's exciting that you get intellectually. And even though technically, D-Fens is the bad guy, he really is not. He is more like the victim.

Joel Schumacherhas an interesting career up and down, so that some big films like "Phone Booth" and some of those really disgusting as "Batman and Robin." This is up there with the best. Once can only speculate how it could vary from such films, but hopefully it goes away for those who like this more often. It has a deeper, it becomes wise to this page directors, which erodes when it's a bad movie. In "Falling Down", is the beat perfectly. Each sequence is some commentWestern culture, is fast food, immigration, values, children, extremism, homosexuality, the dark side of capitalism has taught, you name it, it is likely to fall.

Michael Douglas in the film This film is a bit 'a revelation. After following him for some time and enjoys his work, his performance in this film something very different. He is not nice, but I understand that. He plays a pathetic character, who is pushed too far. It has a good time with him.A scene in which he was in the style of fast food McDonald's has in common with a machine gun, which has the right order, he wanted to because the staff may not have the service capacity is hilarious: "You see, this is what I'm talking about look ! click to enlarge! Die Burger clumsy, is three inches thick ... now, look at this pathetic bruises, oily, someone can tell me ... what's wrong with this picture? "D ' On the other hand, some disturbing scenes in which Douglas guns down an extremist Nazi basketa Korean Quick-E-Mart, or a ten year old boy teaches him how to properly use his bazooka. And there are some times when there is movement, D-Fens just want to go back to his wife and son. When you realize that crossed the border, it's all too much for him. In this regard, the film creates a good balance between comedy, drama and tension to achieve, and a message.

Robert Duvall plays a sober character Detective Predergast. It's never really finishedpolice work, but the day before his retirement, will, if he tries to catch some D-Fens. The problem is that nobody believes him, because he does not want his views on value. Duvall is good in everything he does, and here plays the perfect role to support the sovereign power of Douglas'.

An excellent film that will stay with you for some time after you see it.


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