The Awakening and The Secret DVD Movies

The Awakening DVD is 48 minute film written a partner for the development of personal characteristics and personal life coach Lifepath Unlimited spokesman Patrick Combs. I saw the movie and then wake up seeing the film, The Secret. Both are based on teaching the concepts of the law of attraction.

The movie "The Secret" is an exceptional 89 minutes Australian lavish production with 24 professionals and teachers (especially more Bob Proctor, Dr.Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield and Dr. Joe Vitale), the great secret. The secret is, of course, the mystery of life which is the law of attraction.

The film, said the Secret Law of Attraction Age is the most powerful law of the universe, and the concept and application of those laws have been documented in all forms throughout the world.

The film is interspersed with snippets from each of these 24 teachers describes the conceptual aspects ofuniversal laws through stories. As one teacher explained, all thoughts are magnetic and all thoughts have a frequency of vibration. So if we think that our thoughts are sent into the cosmos, and these thoughts magnetically attract all the other "as" things like the same vibrational frequency. Everything in the universe returned to the source, the source with us. So basically we can completely change every situation and every event of our lives, simplyChange the way you think.

But changing the way we think that simple? This is the movie "The Awakening" can help you find. Where, as the movie "The Secret", his introduction to theory and concepts of power of the universe by the law of attraction, Patrick Combs links all together on a more personal level through the guide us in the path of discovery Our own awakening. Patrick definition of awakening "is a moment of clarity and brilliance, if you suddenly get anew insight or understanding of themselves and the world around you and if you like your life is never the same. "

He goes on to explain the many issues such as power, aware of our destiny, concerning the definition of an awakened mind and a strong life, techniques for a clearer picture of our lives and gives us an exercise on how to make an appointment with the our soul. He teaches us that the secret: "We are all equal, how great and worthy as any other."

BothFilm, "The Secret" "The Awakening" and are ideal introductory resource for learning and understanding the power of the law of attraction and how each of us can consciously create positive changes in ourselves that we turn our lives into a host, the well-being and joy.


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